我們是經過專業培訓的輔導員,幫助您了解自己的憂慮。 我們將在輔導過程中引導您面對生活中的各種問題,包括焦慮、抑鬱、家庭關係、壓力、人際關係和自信心等等。
預約網上輔導,在舒適和保密的環境下與我們的輔導員傾談。 我們會將您的資料保密。
1. 選擇您的首選日期和時間。
2. 填寫您的資料,然後點擊“完成預約”並輸入付款資料。成功登記後,您將被帶到確認頁面。
3. 您將收到確認郵件,其內容包括您的輔導員資料。在24小時內,您將收到進入視像平台聊天室的邀請。
4. 於您的預約時間登入視像平台聊天室。
1. 在 “redeem coupon” 方格內輸入e-voucher code (請向你的公司查詢e-coupon code)。
2. 選擇您的首選日期和時間。
3. 填寫您的資料,然後點擊“完成預約”(您可以使用個人電子郵件登記。)成功登記後,您將被帶到確認頁面。
4. 您將收到確認郵件,其內容包括進入視像平台聊天室的邀請。
5. 於您的預約時間登入視像平台聊天室。
- 您的輔導員將透過視像平台聊天室與您進行傾談。如果您對於視像平台的使用存有任何疑問,請發送電子郵件至info@theratalk.live與TheraTalk聯絡。
- 每次只能預約一節網上輔導。
- 您將在輔導開始前24小時收到電子郵件提醒。
- 當預約完成後,您將無法重新安排或取消。如果您有任何問題,請發送電子郵件至info@theratalk.live與TheraTalk聯絡。
Welcome to TheraTalk
We are a group of professionally-trained counsellors to help you explore your worries and concerns. We will guide you through all kinds of life issues, including anxiety, depression, parenting, stress, relationships, self-confidence and more.
Book an appointment and speak to our counsellors in comfort and privacy via video counselling sessions. Your information remains confidential with us.
How to book
For Individual Clients:
1. Select your preferred date and time.
2. Fill in your information and payment information then click ‘complete appointment’, you will be directed to the confirmation page.
3. You will also receive a confirmation email with your counsellor’s information and an invitation to the video platform chatroom within 24 hours.
4. Login to the video platform at your scheduled time.
For Corporate Clients:
1. Enter e-voucher code (Please obtain the code from your employer) into the ‘redeem coupon’ box.
2. Select your preferred date and time.
3. Fill in your information then click ‘complete appointment’ (you may use your personal email address). You will then be redirected to a confirmation page.
4. You will also receive a confirmation email with an invitation to the video platform chatroom within 24 hours.
5. Login to the video platform at your scheduled time.
Points to note
- Your counsellor will conduct the counselling session with you via a video platform. If you have any difficulty in using the video platform, please email us at info@theratalk.live.
- You can only register 1 session at a time.
- You will receive a reminder email 24 hours before your scheduled consultation.
- You cannot reschedule or cancel an appointment once booked. If you have any issues, please email us at info@theratalk.live.